For those with something to protect

Protecting your valuables with security & convenience

The smart alternative to traditional safety deposit boxes

Enjoy 24-hour access & state-of-the-art security features

Protecting your valuables with security & convenience

The smart alternative to traditional safety deposit boxes

For those with something to protect

Enjoy 24-hour access & state-of-the-art security features


Contact Us

How it works

woman using access card

A client uses his or her Nova Vault access card to enter the safe room. Transitional glass in the door turns from clear to frosted upon entry to ensure privacy. The client then confirms his or her identity through biometric fingerprint scan and pin code entry.

hermetically sealed vault

Upon identity confirmation, the internal robotic arm retrieves the client’s box from the hermetically sealed vault. Steel curtains reveal the box, which is then opened with a key that is unique to the client.

man using access card

Once the client has deposited or retrieved his or her valuables, the box is retracted, the steel curtains close and the box is automatically returned to the vault.

Nova Vaults Logo

For those with something to protect
98 Fitzroy St, Suite 101, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada